Thursday, November 25, 2010

Build Smarter, Faster, and Cheaper with BIM

by Integrated Project Management Solutions Sdn Bhd (IPMS) on Thursday, 25 November 2010 at 00:16

" Eliminate inefficiencies in current construction practices by using BIM, which has the potential to benefit all stakeholders in the design, construction, ownership, and operation of buildings"
~ By Jana Madsen | July 2008

Architects designing buildings that push the boundaries of creativity. Contractors building cheaper and faster, without compromising quality. Building owners paying less for utilities. And, facility managers identifying maintenance requirements for building systems with just a few keystrokes.

You don't need to pinch yourself; it's not a dream. It's the promise and potential that Building Information Modeling (BIM) provides.
A building information model can capture and map underground conditions, including utilities.

The "I" (information) in BIM is what sets this approach apart from simple 3-D visualization. "Think of [BIM] as a database of building information that has the capability to be viewed in three dimensions," suggests Markku Allison, resource architect, American Institute of Architects, Washington, D.C. The National Building Information Model Standard™ (NBIMS) project, formed by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Facility Information Council (FIC), provides the following formal definition: "A building information model is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such, it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility, forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle, from inception onward."

BIM software, which enables professionals to virtually build a facility before it's ever physically constructed, is a catalyst for change in an industry that's been slow to innovate and embrace technology. Because BIM can eliminate many of the inefficiencies of current construction practices and improve the transfer of information during all phases of a building's life, it's being hailed almost as much for the process it facilitates (integrated project delivery) as for the features it provides.

Many stakeholders (e.g. owners, architects, engineers, contractors, subcontractors, and facility managers) can access a building information model—entering, extracting, and/or updating information throughout the building's life-cycle. The more individuals who collaborate using a building information model, the greater its value becomes. Because BIM has the potential to benefit so many parties (from everyone involved in the design and construction of buildings to building operators and even first responders), momentum is growing.

With so many advantages, it's easy to see why..

A building information model can identify clashes and conflicts early. For example, if ductwork intersects with a structural beam, the design can be changed before construction.

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